Taking the KX96 Events Cruiser all over KX Country this weekend!
I’ll be starting the weekend off in Uxbridge! It’s the second weekend that Thomas the Tank Engine is chugging into the York Durham Heritage Railway! You can come out for A Day Out With Thomas all weekend long! Board the train for story time or head over to the arena for more activities and even get a chance to meet Sir Topham Hatt!
I’ll be heading to historic downtown Bowmanville afterwards! It’s the Bluesberry Festival! The best of Blues music and fresh berries! You can enjoy all the shortcake, pies, tarts and more sweets all day long!
Find me at the Kendal Community Centre in the afternoon for Clarington Honey Fest! Lots of sweet summer fun including beekeeping demonstrations, honey tasting, cooking classes and more!
I’ll be ending the day in Cobourg for the Northumberland Ribfest, happening all weekend long in Cobourg’s Victoria Park! Free live entertainment, lots of vendors, rides and of course ribs!
On Sunday, you can find me starting my day at Ajax Downs! It’s Family Fun Day! Entertainment, crafts, activities, and more fun for the whole family! All proceeds from the day go to the Ajax Pickering Hospital!
In the afternoon I will be in Oshawa’s Lakeview Park for Oshawa Ribfest! All weekend long you can check it out to enjoy the always amazing food, entertainment and more!
I’ll be ending my weekend with a KX96 Winsticker Drive Thru in Whitby! Keep it locked on KX96 to find out exactly where you can find me and get yourself registered for your very own KX96 Winsticker! Also feel free to stop by to share a memory to be apart of our KX96 Family Album to celebrate our 25th anniversary!
Follow along with all the weekend fun on Instagram: @kx96fm or my Twitter page: @KXderek
You can always submit your own not-for-profit event on durhamradioevents.com
Hope to see you out in KX Country this weekend!
-Derek :)